Jeneration Agenda

How Common is Mental Stigma?

Are you stigmatized or feeling low self-esteem?

There are 9 in 10 people who feel stigmatized and discriminated against from mental illness which negatively affects their lives.

Stigma is the discrimination against an identifiable group of people, a place, or a nation.(CDC,2021)

People with Mental health issues are likely to feel stigmatized and discriminated against.

How can you tell that you are feeling stigmatized?

Normally, it is okay not to be okay, there are moments in life where your mood is at zero, and this is absolute. If these signs persist or are prolonged, then there are chances that stigmatized and you will need to seek medical assistance. You can tell this from these signs,

  1. Low self-esteem
  2. Social Isolation
  3. Unemployment
  4. Rejection and shame
  5. Internalization of negative beliefs
  6. Embarrassment 
  7. Guilt

Stigma may not be obvious or expressed openly, but it is portrayed in words people speak, they utter hurtful words, offensive, and discriminative languages which are painful for people or your loved ones to hear.

Stigma in Obsessive-Compulsive disorder.

Fighting mental health stigma is a rough path. It can be awkward and stressful. Stigma in obsessive-compulsive disorder is everywhere, we live with stigma, walk with stigma, and it depends on how we manage our mental health.

Here is how stigma moves in an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Examples of obsessive-compulsive disorder include; anxiety, depression, stress, bipolar and many more disorders.


Maggie Olore

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